
How Can Book Censorship Be Banned

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Book Censorship Literature, it’s been around for many years. People have used literature to write their thoughts or opinions down to express how they feel towards a particular topic. But not everyone agrees with ones thoughts or opinions. Books are constantly been banned by many parents and schools due to content that some parents find inappropriate for their children. Banning these books is wrong because it takes away a person’s freedom by denying their right to decide what they can or cannot read.
Books banning is “as old as the impulse to read them”, says Gregory McNamee in the article “Absolutely True Tales of Censorship (McNamee). Books are being banned every day for many reasons by many individuals. One book that’s been banned for numerus reasons is The Absolutely True Diary of a Part – Time Indian written by Sherman Alexie. According to the article “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part- Time Indian” written by Robert P. Doyle, it states explanations of why the book was banned. For example Stockton School District banning it on 2010 (Doyle). The book was banned for the use of ”violence, language, and strong sexual content” (Doyle). …show more content…

I respect the decision of parents for knowing the appropriate reading level for their children. But just theirs. No parent should deny another child’s right to read a book. The only ones who can deny their rights are their own parents. By banning books, it takes away a person’s freedom by denying their right to read a book. In Phyllis Raybin Emert’s article “Banning Gay Books: Protecting kids or censorship?” Alabama State Representative Gerald Allen says “I look at it as protecting the hearts and souls and minds of our children” (Emert). He believes these decisions of banning books are all opinion based. Not everyone has the same opinion as others. Forcing others to go by their beliefs is wrong. Everyone should have their opinion in what they want to

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