How Cardiovascular System Works

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How the cardiovascular system works? Image result for the cardiovascular system heart without labels The cardiovascular system consists of two circuits that blood travels through; pulmonary and systemic. Exercise has an impact on these systems, causing the heart to pump blood faster around the body, which allows you to exercise for longer. The pulmonary circuit carries blood to the lungs to get oxygen and then back into the heart, whilst the systemic circuit carries blood around the body to transport the oxygen and returns the de-oxygenated blood to the heart. Image result for real human hearts Function of the heart When your heart beats it pumps blood to the lungs and around all of the body. The right side of the heart receives de-oxygenated …show more content…

•Then travels to the bachmann’s bundle and the internodal pathways... •The internodal pathways then join together at the atrioventricular node... •As the bundle of his goes down the septum (the wall that divides the two sides of the heart) • it splits into the left and right bundle branch... •Which then produces the terminal purkinje fibres which travel up to the left and right ventricles (lower chamber of the heart) Structure of the heart The heart is basically a muscular, strong pumping organ that is located on the body’s midline in the chest area. The apex (located at the bottom tip of the heart) is turned more to the left so around 23 of the heart is found on the body’s left side, whilst 13 is on the right side. The heart’s base (the top of the heart) connects to the blood vessels (the aorta, vena cava, pulmonary trunk and pulmonary veins) of the body. The heart also has four chambers. The two atria (that are located either side of the heart) collect the blood and the two ventricles (also located either side of the heart) pump the blood out of the heart. Image result for structure o9f real human hearts Websites i have used: •