How Could Christian Principles Assist Social Science Researchers To Conduct Research Ethically?

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The world is fascinating place to live in, to explore many different aspects of this thing called life. When people are born, they are raised usually by their parents, parent, relative, or non-relatives. Regardless of whom cared for one another, it is usually the neighborhood or community that can have a part in the upbringing of anyone. In fact, how society interacts with one another is a good reason why social research is important. This paper, will go over how and why social research is used in sociology, social work, and/or justice studies. Also, explain how applied and basic research methods help further sociological knowledge. As well and understand why GCU believes that the work of the Christian is to further biblical principles related to goodness and justice in all career fields. Explain why it is important to understand ethics in research. How could Christian principles assist social science researchers to conduct research ethically? …show more content…

To demonstrate, “social research, practice is deconstructed and attention focused on how social researchers make evidential claims, present ‘facts’, interpret the data and engage in all those other practices that make up the process of social research” (Brewer, J., & BREWER, J. 2003). Furthermore, sociology, social work, and justice studies all conduct surveys that has a serious of questions on them. In addition, the information that they gather from past research can help for present information. Next, is the reason for how applied and basic research methods help further sociological