How Did Caliphate Contribute To The Spread Of Islam

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1. The Kaaba: It is a small shrine located near the center of the Great Mosque in Mecca and considered by Muslims everywhere to be the most sacred spot on Earth. Muhammad chose to make this building holy and ordered that the daily prays be done facing the Kaaba. It is most important sites on Earth today due to the many people who hold it dear. It is important for me to understand this if I wish to understand Muslims, who have such a large impact on history and the modern world.
2. Caliphate: This is, once again, a term related to Islam. It is necessary for me to know what I can about the religion because it is such an important aspect of the medieval and modern world. Better understanding terminology related to them will lead to a better understanding of their role in history. Caliphate refers to the political-religious state made up of the Muslim community and the areas and peoples under its rule in the years following the death of Muhammad.
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Orthodox: This term can mean a variety of things depending on how it is use. If capitalized, it refers to the Eastern Orthodox Church, if not it means someone or something that is sound or correct in opinion or doctrine, particularly in relation to religion. Both are important definitions to remember. The Orthodox Church in particular was a vital aspect of the separation between East and West Europe.
4. Iconoclasm: This term refers to one who a breaks or destroyers images, especially those set up for religious veneration. Iconoclasm has happened quite a bit throughout many cultures. It important for one who studies history to know in relation to both Eastern Europe and Islam. Icons are are a huge aspect of Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Adversely, the Koran is not in support for icons and encourages

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