How Did Colonists Develop More Efficient Modes Of Transportation

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Throughout history, humans have always been looking for develop more efficient modes of transportation. People require transportation in order to travel from one location to another, transport goods, and trade. As the colonists became more familiar with their new land, they realized they had an abundance of resources available to them that they could to use to improve their quality of life, and create an economy. So, the colonists started to develop better methods of transportation. They began under their own power, walking, and advanced to riding horses. After that, with improved technology they developed the steam engine, and an entire railroad system. After that, they created electric trains and that was followed by the creation of the assembly …show more content…

The horse was very popular because they were easily available, fast, and strong. The horse could carry extra supplies in saddle pouches which was more efficient than a person carrying a sack. This then evolved to become the horse and buggy. The horse and buggy was used to get around town, this was because it was larger and not able to travel through the woods and over other obstacles and had to have roads. Paul Revere used a horse on his famous ride to warn everyone that the British were on their way to take firearms and ammunition. In 1801, the steam engine was invented by Thomas Savery. This was a very popular mode of transportation because it made transportation and travel more efficient. Because of this, the steam engine was put in trains, boats and eventually automobiles. “QUOTE HERE to PROVE how much more efficient travel/trade became due to the steam engine” As steam engines grew more powerful and efficient, they (WHO???) eventually invented the marine steam engine. What was so remarkable about this engine is that it could output more than 10,000 Horsepower. That is equivalent to 13 of Lamborghini's most powerful engines. Steam engines were used to power most manufacturing plants (need name). With the creation of the steam engine, many people were looking for better ways to make transportation easier and more