How Did George Washington Led The American Revolution

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George Washington- Led the Patriots through the Revolution and was unanimously elected as the first President where he set many precedents about Presidential power. Thomas Jefferson- Chief author of the Declaration of Independence and he tried to uphold his republican ideals through the Democratic Republicans but broke his strict construction of the Constitution during his presidency. Alexander Hamilton- Washington’s “right-hand man,” wrote the majority of the Federalist Papers, which were essays supporting ratification of the Constitution and became a leading member of the Federalist party where he favored a stronger federal gov’t and loose construction. Benjamin Franklin- Created the Albany Plan which would create a centralized gov’t of the …show more content…

5 1844-1877 People: James K. Polk- He was an expansionist Democrat and 2 of his main goals as President were to acquire and settle California and Oregon. Harriet Tubman- She was a leading “conductor” of the Underground Railroad and helped rescue over 300 slaves by leading them out of bondage and up to Canada or the free North. Freedmen- As more and more slaves were freed before, after and during the Civil War they increasingly moved north to Canada and to free states to escape the slave catchers, following the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 more fled to Canada to avoid being sent back into bondage. Events: Mexican War- After the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo the U.S. acquired the long desired territories of Texas and California and many people migrated west in search of new opportunities. California Gold Rush- Following the discovery of gold in California, tens of thousands of Americans rushed in to try to get their share of the wealth, the area became crime invested due to the migration of lawless …show more content…

Vietnam War- Americans began to question the ethics of the war in Vietnam, especially the youth, anti-war protests broke out and Americans wondered if they were in fact doing the right thing. Civil Rights Movement- Blacks started to rebel against segregation and organized protests like the Montgomery Bus Boycott and Freedom Rides to achieve equality, the Brown v. BOE Supreme Court ruling was a huge step forward for the movement, this reflected the liberal mood of the 1960s. Great Society- LBJ strove to correct America’s imperfections and set up several programs including: Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, and the creation of the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, LBJ sought to eliminate poverty and grant everybody access to equal opportunities. Concepts: Global Superpower- After WWII the U.S. and USSR emerged as the 2 world superpowers, as such Americans felt the need to aid others in their struggle for democracy and their European allies, this feeling led to the Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Berlin Airlifts, and ultimately the Cold