How Did Gregory The Great Contribute To The Downfall Of The Roman Republic

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Christianity Spreads through the West The Roman Republic prospered and survived through the guidance of its Senate. Rome’s government was considered to have “perfected the most successful of all forms of ancient government” (Dutton 138). Rome went on to dominate central Italy, eventually conquering all of Italy, the Western Mediterranean, and the ancient world. Caesar raided Gaul and brought back Celts and sold them as slaves to the Romans. Arguably the greatest empire to exist, Rome was hit with a recession and the empire collapsed; dividing the prestigious empire.
Although Rome seemed like an impenetrable force, but there were various factors, such as the intrusion of Germans tribes, lead to the downfall of the Roman Republic. Julius Caesar utilized the mighty powers of the Senate for his personal gain. His selfish, egotistical personality made the Romans concerned with the state of their empire. At this point, they turned against themselves. Not knowing whether Caesar would give up his army peacefully, the Senate declared martial law and turned the Republic to the hands of Pompey. …show more content…

His papal ideas stressed humility and charity. In 590 AD, Gregory was elected pope and looked to seize new opportunities. Gregory the Great was a figure that helped build new relationships and make peace with the Franks and the Saxons. There were also other dominant forces that contributed to the mending of these strained relationships. Gregory of Tours became bishop of Tours in 573, in which he promoted justice and peace within his diocese. Bishops “bridged the divide between the German rulers of the land and the Gallo-Roman people urging the Franks to live Christian lives”(Dutton #). Like these other forces, Gregory the Great strived to organize the church under tighter papal supervision. Charlemagne also served as an influential person in helping the church attempt to make peace.

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