How Did Henry Ford Impact American Citizens

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“Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and the grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward.”-Henry Ford (Economy, Peter). Building character is like climbing a ladder, as you accomplish your goals, you ascend to another step in life. However, there is times you need to slow down, come back down the ladder and restart. There is one such American who showed extreme determination and and because of his perseverance, he forever impacted the lives of Americans. There are four examples of how Henry Ford impacted American citizens. First by building his first self-propelled vehicle (quadricycle), Ford used his knowledge to later design the mass production of America’s first affordable car the Model T. Second, Ford developed and streamlined the moving assembly line process which will later be modified and used by other manufacturers. Third, he established a five dollar per day wage for mass production workers. Fourth, Ford openly trained and hired employees who were previously considered unemployable. Henry Ford, son of William and Mary Ford, was born on July 30,1863 in Wayne …show more content…

Prior to the $5.00 per day wage, automobile producers experienced a 376% turnover rate. “Henry raised the base pay of plant workers from $2.34 for a nine hour day to $5.00 for an eight hour day.” This $5.00 per day drew workers from all over the country. The higher wages motivated staff to stay thus cutting costs on training and hiring new “inexperienced” workers. (Innovation:100