How Did Jason Join The Crescent Pack

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JASON--- The muscle of the Crescent pack.-- Jason joined the pack in his early twenties when he happened to meet them while passing through New Orleans. Prior to becoming a member he remained alone, not because he disliked packs but because his own has been killed when he was just a young boy. He had witnessed his pack (his parents included) being torn to pieces by a vampire who's face would forever be seared into his mind. He spend most of his childhood in foster homes but when he accidentally triggered his curse at the age of 16, he ran away from foster care and any form of authority, choosing to travel then stay in one place for too long. A few years later he entered the city of New Orleans where he met the Crescent pack. Wanting him to join their ranks, it was Alexandria who finally convinced Jason to consider joining them; after which it didn't take long for him to become a full fledged member. He was a strong and valuable asset, there when someone needed help and ready when an enemy threatened the pack. …show more content…

Their heritage dating back hundreds of years, always lead by the strongest and wisest alphas, this pack had managed to thrive and rise from the ashes of great wars and genocide.--their ranks only growing with each passing year. Once a respect and united group, it has now fallen to chaos, their preferred method of gaining new members is to retrieve young and untriggered werewolves and get them to murder against their will; this ultimately triggering their werewolf curse and allowing for them to join the Sangune's. Now ran by merciless alphas, this once great pack is no longer what it used to be. Now considered a "backwoods" pack, they are banished deep into the bayou. However, they're growing friction with the Crescents just may spark a war between the packs very soon. The Sangune's need a new alpha who is willing to take lead and restore order to this once legendary pack.