How Did Jim Crow Laws Affect African Americans

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"Segregation is the adultery of an illicit intercourse between injustice and immorality." The Civil War was one of the biggest wars in American history, resulting in many different changes and laws in American life. During the Post-Reconstruction era, one of these changes was the Jim Crow laws in the South. These laws created segregation and treated African Americans like second-class citizens, as well as stripped rights from African Americans that were guaranteed to them by the Constitution. The Jim Crow era in the South was very discriminatory and led to the loss of rights and, at times, the loss of lives. Overall, during post-reconstruction Jim Crow led to the loss of rights, mass amounts of segregation, the killing and destruction of African …show more content…

Throughout the years post-reconstruction, there were many violent and unnecessary attacks towards the African American community, specifically attacks and destruction towards the African communities that were building themselves up and starting to be economically successful. These types of reckless acts of destruction had a very negative impact on the African American community, especially because African Americans were already behind and trying to catch up to the white community in terms of creating successful businesses and communities. Therefore, the destruction that was caused by the whites on black communities set them back way farther than they already were, affecting African American communities for generations. One of the most famous instances of a thriving African community being torn down by hateful and racist communities is the Tulsa Race Riot. “The Tulsa Race Riot” is a public report published by the Oklahoma Commission intended to provide detailed accounts of the violent events that occurred in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in May 1921, including the destruction of the prosperous African American neighborhood of Greenwood, often referred to as "Black Wall Street." The destruction was caused by white Tulsans who lived nearby. The white Tulsans started to turn into mobs and would systematically loot and burn the black …show more content…

During the Jim Crow era, there were laws, acts, and loopholes like poll taxes and the grandfather clause that denied African Americans the rights guaranteed to them in the Constitution. If these unjust laws were broken, African Americans would be brutally bruised and jailed. Segregation led to racist groups being formed like the KKK. These groups would form lynch mobs and go around terrorizing and destroying African Americans and their communities. These groups did these horrific things because they wanted to put down African Americans and make sure that they would never be prosperous. The lynching mobs and cruel killings caused significant trauma towards African Americans, the trauma that has affected them for generations. While also causing generational trauma, these harmful mobs also destroyed and burned down numerous African American communities that were thriving and on the brink of the success that was found in white communities and businesses; these major setbacks caused by discrimination and racism, African Americans and their communities are still trying to catch up to their white counterparts today. With all of the racial inequalities and systematic racism going on in the South, the NAACP was formed by Civil Rights activists to fight against it all and bring awareness to the Civil Rights Movement. The NAACP was crucial in the fight for and