How Did John Locke View On Human Nature

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Thomas Hobbes And John Lock were two of the great biased political Theorist of the Seventeen century. Yes indeed the two were similar because they both in many of their texts refer to government in a mans life and also their vision of mans state of nature. Thomas Hobbes wondered more on how society would function without rules, he characterized nature as “War of every man against man” A consistent competition that each individual has a natural right to everything no matter what others think.On the other hand Locke Felt as though the government should be working to the interest of there people and that men are naturally free. Hobbes and lock were two great philosophers,their political views were impacted by there experiences which influenced there writings on human nature and also the way they viewed …show more content…

John Locke believed that human nature is characterized by reason and tolerance. People are born with certain inalienable rights, which are life, liberty and the right to own property.Man is by nature a social animal. He viewed the mind at birth a “blank slate” without rule, data is added, and rules for processing them are formed by our own experiences.Locke believed that the government has more potential of being dangerous,and that one should fight if he felt like his rights were being violated. One example related to Locke’s from “Lord of the flies”. Character Ralph was voted to be chief, but even as they built the first fire, they abandoned their responsibilities to serve themselves.The boys start to distance them selves from Ralph and start to follow jack. Many view this as wrong but it goes hand in hand with Locke’s beliefs.Jack did not like the way the chief was handing things and therefore he started his own government.For Locke humans are motivated by both emotions and reason, this is what differentiates both Locke and Hobbes towards human