How Did Langston Hughes Influence The Civil Rights Movement

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Early in the 19th century, America was in distress when they entered World War One on April 6, 1917. However, in the next decade, America seemed to have recovered from the war and entered the “Roarin Twenties”, a time filled with entertainment, excitement, and change. Most importantly, the Harlem Renaissance emerged in the twenties. The Harlem Renaissance was a literary and artistic African American movement which allowed Langston Hughes to thrive and later earned the name of Harlem’s best poet. However, on October 29, 1929, the stock market crashed and so did the lives of many Americans. Despite the government's effort, U.S. citizens during the time took a hard hit. Throughout Hughes life, racism was a major problem that every African American struggled with. …show more content…

Many artists, writers, and activists during the beginning of the 19th century, such as Hughes, fought to promote the rights of all African Americans. In addition to promoting rights and equality, Hughes and many other artists worked to expose African American culture and the reality of the hardships of the average African American. These activists led the way towards the African American Civil Rights movement between 1954-1968. Hughes inspired many leaders of the Civil Rights Movement whose main asperation was to destroy racial segregation and discrimination against African Americans. Langston Hughes’s compositions are inspired from his time during the Harlem Renaissance and his works reflect his radical ideas towards equality and