How Did Rosa Parks Impact The Civil Rights Movement

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Rosa Parks started the civil rights movement in her area. She went through so much in her early life, and decided that she was going to make a difference in this world, and that she did. She had an amazing life, filled with bringing justice to her fellow colored people. In the 19th century, black and white people had everything separate. They had different bathrooms, different drinking fountains, and different seats on the bus, she knew that she was going to make a difference. Rosa Parks was the most influential colored woman of her era because she fought for equal rights even when she was put in prison for her decision. Rosa Louise McCauley was born on February 4, 1913 in a small town in Alabama called Tuskegee. She lived there with her mom …show more content…

She got on the Montgomery Bus and sat in the seat she paid ten cents for, which was the first row of the “colored section.” Then later was asked to move by the bus driver whose name was James Blake, who Rosa had many negative interactions with. He asked Rosa Parks and three other black people to move who were sitting near the front of the bus. They kept moving the colored section back further so the white people could sit down. Rosa was the only colored person out of the 3 that refused to give up her seat that she paid for, and was arrested and charged ten dollars. Luckily, she was not kept in jail for too long because of her position at the NAACP. The NAACP was thrilled that she was the lady that was going to lead this case because she was already very involved in the civil rights movement and had amazing leadership skills. Rosa Parks expanded their group so they could have more people involved, they named it the Montgomery Improvement Association also known as the MIA. The MIA was lacking a spokesperson but luckily Martin Luther King Jr. had just come to town and did not know anybody so he was the perfect candidate for the job because he was neutral. The Montgomery bus boycott was a success because most people that used the bus were black so the bus lost alot of its money due to the fact that 75% of people who took the bus were black. After the success of the Montgomery bus boycott there was a little backlash, Rosa Parks got fired from her seamstress job, and Martin Luther King Jr. house got broken into and he was