How Did Shakespeare Make A Poster For Henry The Vi's Work

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1. A poster for a modern play of Henry the VI (2010) This is a poster that was used as advertisement for Henry the VI Part One, the first play Shakespeare ever wrote, performed in 2010. Shakespeare wrote the play in 1591, and people believe that he collaborated with Christopher Marlowe and/or Thomas Nashe for this project. There’s a theory that Shakespeare collaborated with other writers more often, and this gets seen as a piece of evidence for that theory. It’s believed that Shakespeare’s primary source for this play was The Union of the Two Noble and Illustre Families of Lancaster and York, a book written by Edward Hall. Because this is one of Shakespeare’s most famous works, it got rewritten by a lot of people. For example the writer of this play. Besides this theatre group, there were a lot more people who tried to create their own version of this old, but fantastic play. …show more content…

A sign of The Lord Chamberlain’s Men The Lord Chamberlain’s Men, also called The Chamberlain’s Men or Shakespeare’s company, was a theatrical company of actors. The reason why it gets called “Shakespeare’s company” sometimes, is because Shakespeare wrote for this company for most of his career. The company played many famous plays like Hamlet, The Twelfth Night, Romeo and Juliet, and Macbeth. Shakespeare was part of the company, but never played the main character. That was mainly done by Richard Burbage. Shakespeare played some secondary roles instead. The Chamberlain’s Men started playing in a playhouse called The Theatre. But because of problems with the owner, they had to move to another. This one was called The Curtain Theatre. After that they moved to The Globe Theatre. Unfortunately, this theatre got ruined by a huge fire. The whole building had burned down. But Shakespeare built it up again, and now it’s known as Shakespeare’s Globe. 3. One of Shakespeare’s

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