Shakespeare Authorship In The Elizabethan Era

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The True authorship If one could go back in time to the Elizabethan Era, they could unfold several truths about those days, which could be very valuable and crucial to how we perceive and to the knowledge we have gained, through reviewing history. What if all we know is only a partial truth? What if what we have been thought and what we have read that we firmly believe to be the ultimate truth about history, is nothing but a lie or misunderstanding? As we have been taught for years and years, Elizabethan Era, which was the Golden Age for England, was the time in history where the development and culture of England rose rapidly, which was marked by the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. This era is particularly known for flourishing of poetry, literature and theater, as several plays were composed which gave a new meaning to theater in England. This era introduced the world to one of the most admired and praised figures in the history of literature, William Shakespeare. When a figure is given so much importance, it is only natural for the audience to become more intrigued about the life of the following figure, which in the case of Shakespeare has lead to a controversy. William Shakespeare …show more content…

The Oxfordian theory of shakespeare authorship, claim that Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford was the main composer of plays and poems which are traditionally attributed to Shakespeare. The Oxfordians are also sometimes called the "anti-Stratfordian”, but this term is given to any theory that suggests that anyone but Shakespeare wrote his plays. The “ Stratfordians are those who firmly believe that is was Shakespeare and him alone that can be given credit for all the works we are familiar with as shakespearean literature. The Stratfordians are sometimes referred to as “ The Shakespearean