How Did The Arawaks Raise Food In The Caribbean

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The Arawaks planted many types of vegetables, such as cassava, peppers, beans, sweet potatoes. There were not many wild animals in the Caribbean, so they also farmed fruits and hunted small animals, such as snakes and birds.The Arawaks used a very unique way of raising crops. Conuco is raising crops on a large mound packed with leaves to protect the soil from erosion and to assure growth in any weather condition. The cassava is the

Arawaks' primary crop. It is a root crop that can be baked into a type of bread . The cassava was dangerous though because it contained poisonous juices that had to be squeezed they ate various types of fish, shellfish, turtle, and manatee (sea cow). They hunted for there food. The arawaks speak (Lokono) They are also bilingual in …show more content…

they were forced out of the antilles, because of the carbs. The arawak were a society that relied on agriculture and fishing. The Arawaks were a society that relied on agriculture and fishing. The Arawaks were able to fish in local lakes, artificially made lakes, and the surrounding seas in which they could catch fish, ducks, turtles and manatees to also eat.The Arawaks practiced subsistence farming. This means that they grew what they needed to survive and a small amount of excess for trading. They practiced the slash-and-burn method of agriculture, which consists of cutting down trees in an area and then setting the area on fire to burn away the brush. The Arawaks would use the ash from the burning and mix it with fish and urine to produce fertilizer to help prolong the productiveness of the land.The land would become exhausted in about 5 to ten years because they did not practice crop rotation. The Arawaks would then have to create new plots of land for agriculture, using the slash-and-burn technique. The also made irrigation tunnels in parts of Cuba, along with their artificial fishing