How Did The Constitution Change The Policy Of Checks And Balances

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The American Constitution was created by the founding fathers to protect the liberty, security and freedom of all American citizens. The Constitution states the powers of the Executive, Judicial and Legislative branches of government. The Constitutions genius is its ability to grant exemplary authority to the Executive, Judicial and Legislative sectors of the government, while not needing to worry about a specific branch of government abusing its power. An additional genius the constitution has is its ability to always change. Within the Constitution, is the policy of checks and balances, this implementation was created for the sake of defending the rights of the nation and its citizens. The policy of checks and balances, disallows the President …show more content…

That is the purpose of the amendments. The Constitution can be modified through the adding of amendments. Amendments may be proposed by Congress, and become part of the Constitution when they are ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the States. The American Constitution has been successfully changed 27 times since its inception through the method of adding amendments. When creating the Constitution, the founding fathers knew their would need to be modifications in the constitution, they knew they didn't know everything. The founding fathers made a way for mistakes to be corrected. The Constitution was created to gain people freedom and justice, as can be seen with the first modifications to the Constitution, The Bill of Rights. The President of the United States has a uniquely powerful position. The President is the nation’s commander in chief and deals with the nation’s domestic and foreign policies, by proposing legislation and enacting executive orders. The President is in charge of the armed forces. With all these powers it may seem that the President of the United States can easily become a dictator or tyrant. This is not true, as the American Constitution provides a “separation of powers” among the three branches of government to avoid any such situation. These branches of government include the judicial, legislative and executive. The judicial and legislative branches posses a power of their …show more content…

American citizens look to their President to help them through problems that arise, to lead them through difficult situations and crises. The people of America look to their President to implement policies that will affect their everyday lives. The President is constantly in the spotlight of the nation. It is the President who enjoys all the adulation when things are going well. It is also the President who bears with all the blame and animosity when national government polices aren't working well. The power and influence of the Presidency are shown by the multitude of privileges and services that are made available to him/her. The President is treated with ideal respect by his employees and staff. The President has is own plane, Air Force One. No other nation can claim the honored traditions of the American Presidency. Both of these geniuses of the American Constitution are relevant today, and accomplishing more now than ever. These days American citizens don’t need to worry about the president becoming a dictator. As we have seen recently in the news, there has been some speculation of President Obama potentially being impeached. This highlights the success of the Constitutions genius of checks and balances. The genius of the constitution’s availability to be reformed can be seen with amendments that are currently pending congressional approval. Both, Official Bankruptcy Forms and