How Did The Great Gatsby Change Throughout The Novel

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The Great Gatsby was one of the best pieces of US literature. Even though Gatsby was not the narrator the book is named after him because of how interesting he is as a character and how he had such an influence on the book as a whole. Gatsby changed from the past to what we know of him during the course of the book. It is clear however that money effected Gatsby and changed him from a normal guy that fought for the US to a rich and dark person that only cares about the one things that he was never able to achieve fully. In Gatsby’s younger years he was not a rich and powerful man. He was born and raised on a farm in Dakota. Jordan tells Nick about Gastby’s humble past and how he did not come from a rich background even though there are many …show more content…

As Gatsby gained his wealth he found himself with no real friends and loved ones, he had nothing else to do as he was one of the richest men in the city and could do anything he wanted when he wanted to. Throughout the book, the reader can see how Gatsby has power and is overconfident because of his money. In the movie The Great Gatsby, which is based off of the book, when Gatsby and Nick go into the city to meet Wolfshiem Gatbsy gets pulled over while driving, all he does is show the police that he is Gatsby and he is free to go. Later on in the book, Gatsby abuses his money and power in the city. Gatsby also gets his confidence from his money in regards to Daisy. This is shown when the group goes to the city for the day. Tom even says during the argument that “I know I’m not very popular. I don’t give big parties. I suppose you’ve got to make your house into a pigsty in order to have any friends-in the modern world.” (pg. 130) This shows that even Tom knows that Gatsby just uses his wealth in order to have friends and things that he would not have if he were poor. Money ultimately ended Gatsby because he was all around the city and everyone knew him. If Gatsby were just a modest millionaire then maybe he would not have been caught up in the mess with Daisy and Tom, and would not have been killed by