How Did The Igbo Religion And Culture Change

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There are many different cultures and religions in the world. Cultures can change when other religions and people are introduced. So how did the Igbo religion/ culture change when Christianity was introduced? There were many significant changes that the Igbo endured during colonization. With colonization came the introduction of Christianity. After Christianity was introduced the Igbo tribe experienced many changes, such as changes to weddings, jobs, and school systems.
The first change the Igbo tribe went through when Christianity was introduced was changes to weddings. "With the conversion of the Ibo into Christianity, it opened a whole new world as to how a couple chooses to be wedded. It benefited those who did not want to go down the path of traditional weddings." (Antonio). A typical Igbo wedding would consist of an arranged marriage. After Christianity was introduced this was no longer practiced. Women of the Igbo culture/ religion were then allowed to choose who they married. Another change to Igbo weddings was how they were celebrated. Couples were no longer forced to have a traditional wedding and could choose a more non- traditional celebration.
The second change the Igbo tribe went through was an occupational …show more content…

"The school system had grown enormously because the schools ceased to be seen as places for lazy and indifferent children." (Ubah 1988 71-91). A typical school in the Igbo tribe was viewed as a disadvantage. They were looked at as a place for children that did not work hard and those who were not concerned with much. When westerners colonized and Christianity was introduced, the way schools were looked upon changed significantly. The Igbo people saw how the school system provided a decent educate for the westerners and how an education can lead to better jobs. The addition of schools changed how the people of the Igbo tribe went about their daily