How Did The Misfit Do Evil Tasks?

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Why did The Misfit do Evil Tasks? In the world we live in there are delightful people that enrich our lives. There are also some dark citizens that make life harder and also cause us to live in a slight fear. Some authors have been able to capture realistic depictions of these frightening misfits. In Flannery O’Connor’s story A Good Man Is Hard to Find, The Misfit is one of these dark and sinister characters that seems to act without a moral compass, leaving us to ask, Why? The Misfit seemed to have a wonderful childhood and a family that loved him as stated paragraph 89. “Yes mam,” he said, “finest people in the world.”...”God never made a fine woman than my mother and my daddy’s heart was pure gold,” he said (O’Connor). It seems he was raised by competent parents. So what influenced his evil? He also stated that he is not sure what made him get thrown into prison, but he knows he did something bad. Perhaps he fell in with the wrong crowd of people and they influenced his misfit ways. Maybe The Misfit did not have any friends and that drove him into a wrong path he headed down. Regardless of what influenced the demise of his kind spirit, he is a horrible criminal who does not hesitate to kill women and children. …show more content…

The Misfit on the other hand is a psychopath. This is easy to see because he is charming though he does not understand why other people think differently. He also is violent a common characteristic of a psychopathic personality. He knows where the acceptable lines are and he does not care if he crosses them. Knowing that The Misfit is a psychopath can answer the earlier question of, What influenced his evil? Being a psychopath is genetic. They are born that way and only with medication and treatment do they improve. So nothing in his childhood made him evil it was just by chance that he