Ted Bundy Sociology

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Criminals are shaped by the world around them by their parents and relatives that raise them, it does not matter on where they were born or what class they were born into, but all criminals are born with the same beginning story. Criminals are made because if they were born criminals, it would just not make very much sense like take Hitler for an example, he was not just born hating jews. He was influenced by a doctor to hate jews which is a whole other story. Influenced or class can be key factors in the creation of criminal, street criminals are mostly born in a low low-class society mostly made of people that rely on drugs and thievery. Most of them are youth, according to the Jackson Free Press of Mississippi has a connection between …show more content…

As people that become killers and sociopaths ,psychopaths and all other disorders that come along with them as they are made of what scientist like to call nature vs nurture which is events like genes, environment and personal choices have to say what that person becomes but If you have a child no matter what genes they have and you treat them with kindness and care they will become higher in society but if you hurt a child and tell them they are useless they will become hateful and hate everything and everyone in their life. One of America 's most famous killers Ted Bundy had a weird life from his environment. When he was born his grandparents said that his mother was his sister and his grandparents were his parents in order to hide the grandparents and mother 's secret. He was born out of a hospital so if he ever found out it probably traumatized him and then becomes a spree murderer even though there was no confession of abuse from parent and or grandparents there must have been things of that nature in the house that tripped his mind maybe that was enough to trip his mind and start …show more content…

If we look into beginning events that make them into killers mostly only on serial killers and not organized crime. When a child is born it is the responsibility of parent and or guardian to take care of that child. There was a study on crows and professors, the professors wore masks and the masks were called the threatening masks as they had as negative impact towards the crows. then they had another mask that they called a carrying mask which they used to care for them and feed them as the crows would give gifts to the caring mask and attack the negative mask. This could be an example for an psychopathy and their relationship with their family or caretaker if there caretaker beat them then they would be more likely to hurt that individual and other individuals that reminded them of the supposed caretaker it 's a crappy example but it has some truth like the nature vs nurture