How Did The Romans Influence Our Society

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In our day today life we use many things that the Greeks and the Romans invented for our personal needs. Most people do not know were some of the inventions come from even when they use it everyday. So let's discuss what the Greeks and Romans gave our society that some people might over look. One of the many things many people think that the United States of America made this form of government, but it was the Greeks who first did this then the Romans in their early days as a nation. This concept is democracy which its name is derived from the word demokratia which means popular government. The has influenced my life because it is the form of …show more content…

I use it to get to my house ,school ,places were I want to go to. The road is very useful because of all the ways it helps me get around in this country for if we didn’t have roads our cars would have to cross water or cut down trees or go through sand. Another Roman/Greek invention was a building material lost but found again. This is concret ,concret as used today was first discovered by the Roman/Greeks and this material allowed them to build many things that before would of took a long time to build with stone or could never been built. Concret has influenced my life because it is the foundation of my house. Every building I have been in my life whether it has been by it or had gotten its material from a place that had used concret at one point. If it wasn’t for concret many dams wouldn’t be made because most of them use concrete to build them like the Hoover Dam or the one use