How Did The Sons Of Liberty Happen

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Billy Dudley
Mrs. Douglas
Research Paper
The Sons of Liberty Have you ever wondered why or how some of the events during the American Revolution happened? The answer you may be looking for is an organization called The Sons of Liberty. They worked both publicly and secretly to protest the British and demand the American’s freedom. They were surprisingly successful! The Sons of Liberty were a group of political figures that formed in the North American British colonies during the American Revolution that rebelled against the British and fought for America’s independence. The Sons of Liberty was founded because they did not agree with the British. They didn’t agree with the laws they were passing, or the taxes they were making. They believed they, as Americans, should be able to create their own laws, and make their own taxes, instead of listening to the British ( They didn’t like that there were British soldiers in their towns, enforcing the laws, and telling them what to do. They first got involved just to oppose the …show more content…

If they had not formed together, things would have been a lot different. If they had not gone along with The Boston Tea Party, or been apart of the Boston Massacre, the outcome of things would have been very different. Maybe one of the most important things is that the Declaration of Independence might not have been approved or signed. If it hadn’t, the way our country is could possibly be very different. Without the Sons of Liberty, some of the oppositions against the British would not have happened. Without the organization fighting back and standing up for America, the British doubtedly would have taken the colonists seriously and would have realized that they meant business. If the Sons of Liberty had not rose up to the occasion, and protested the British so much and so vigorously, our country likely wouldn’t be the same as it is