How Did The Watergate Scandal

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One of the major political scandals that affect the U.S. is the watergate Scandal. The Watergate Scandal happened on June 17, 1972 in the early morning. The five men were arrested for breaking into the main office the Democratic National Committee. The democratic National committee is located in Washington D.C. the building complex called the Watergate. The Senate hearing about the Watergate Scandal had a effect on President Richard Nixon. They broken in to obtain copies of the opposition's documents and plant microphones in their offices. This event change so many thing in the U.S eyes.This caused distrust from the people to the government and leaders. This affects Nixon and the people connected with him. The effect off this changed the way things were ran around the headquarters. …show more content…

The Scandal was setup by five guys and Nixon. Nixon had all the power and limits there so it was easy. This why it wasn't just no ordinary robbery it had connects with the most powerful person. An it was also connected to his reelection campaign, and some of the workers that were loyal to the program joined him. How did the burglars get caught breaking into the headquarters.These burglars were caught carrying enough equipment to wiretap telephones and take pictures of papers. Because people expected Nixon to have something to do with it, which he did. When brought up to trails or questioning, Nixon would lie or make excuses so one would get caught. The president paying bribes and impeding the FBI investigation so that he would not be removed. An firing government officials and destroying evidence made the US that made them look bad. They also did not want to seem like the U.S. could be bribe by anyone, and that we are