Richard Nixon And Watergate Ethical Issues

1989 Words8 Pages

In this paper, I will be writing about Donald Trump and Richard Nixon. I will be comparing how we can access the president, issues with during their term, ethical dilemmas they faced, what was going on before they got in office, what they accomplished during their time as president of the United States, similarities and differences between them.
There were major issues when Richard Nixon got elected as president in 1968. The united states were at war with Vietnam, women were fighting for equal rights, and minorities were causing racial violence in the nation's cities. These issues carried on to Richard Nixon's term. The first major issue that he had to address was the war in Vietnam. One of the issues Richard Nixon had to fix because of the …show more content…

Watergate was a web of political corruption and scandals between 1972 and 1974. It started when five men working for the committee to re-elect the president or (Creep) Stuck in the Democratic Party headquarters, which were at the Watergate Hotel, and attempted to plant listening devices, At their trial in 1973 they said that White House and high Republican officials knew they were breaking in and paid them to keep quiet. This caused an investigation into the claims and in which documents were found linking Nixon to the scandal. Nixon claimed his innocence while the documents clearly showed that he was involved in the scandal denied it he had any involvement in it. A major part of the scandal were tapes of Nixon talking about the scandal in the Oval Office. Nixon ordered the Solicitor General Robert Bork fired Archibald Cox, who was appointed Watergate special prosecutor when Cox demanded that Nixon release the tapes. After the firing of Cox, the people of America were calling for Nixon to get impeached. In response to that in April 1974, Nixon decided to release some of the tapes and a 1,200 page edited transcript. 3 months later on July 24, 1974, the Supreme Court ordered Nixon to hand over the full tape recordings from the White House. The tapes connected him to the Watergate scandal and all of the support he had gained was lost. After losing all of his support President Richard Nixon resigned from office on August 9, 1974, still stating his innocence(President Richard Nixon and The Watergate