How Did Thomas Paine Make The Most Effective

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Several of the early American authors such as Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, and Patrick Henry used rhetoric in numerous famous American literary pieces. Rhetoric is merely defined as the skillful use of language to persuade or purposefully communicate in an effective way. Although all of these individual American writers acquire this useful skill, Thomas Paine is the most effective in demonstrating it. Thomas Paine’s most effective way in persuading and purposefully communicating with the masses was by attacking issues within items that Americans valued the most. For example, in one of Paine’s writings, The Age of Reason, Paine launched an attack on the irrationality of religion. Different from the masses, Paine possessed characteristics such as the hatred of religion and the praise of the individual. Paine strived to demonstrate his diverse views/ideas in order to be the catalyst for several brawls, in which he enjoyed. His offensive material immediately sparked negative reactions, and Paine became the ultimate controversial stirrer during the colonial era in The United States of America. …show more content…

The majority of citizens were concerned with the fact that there was a shortage in resources and soldiers for a war. On the other hand, Paine argues that it is not the quantity of materials that will strive America to win, it is the national pride among the citizens that will provide America with the great strength to conquer. Thomas Paine might have been the catalyst for various brawls, but his devotion to national pride and ensuring his voice will be heard is extremely inspiring for the writers of the twenty first