
How Did Tom Robinson Get A Fair Trial

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Darrian Stocker Mrs. Lawson English 20 May 2024 White man's words against a black man's words Colored people are sometimes accused of things they did not do in Harper Lee's book To Kill a Mockingbird. This book was placed in Maycomb. One of the characters, Tom Robinson, was accused of rape even though the evidence shows that he did not do it. Atticus, his lawyer, tried to help him, but he couldn't since the council didn't listen to Atticus because he was defending a black person. Tom Robinson was accused of rape even tho the evidence made him not guilty, but if he was not guilty, why did he keep coming back to help her if he didnt want to be convicted of something he didnt do? It was hard for Tom Robinson to find a lawyer because no one wanted to defend a black …show more content…

No one wants to protect a nigger. Since people would talk badly about them and their families. “Cecil Jacobs made me forget. He had announced in the schoolyard the day before that Scout Finch’s daddy defended the niggers.” (Lee 85). People would bully Atticus's family since Atticus defended the color. No one wanted to defend the color because the community would bully him. Let us talk about it on a different note. The evidence makes him not guilty, but since he is a colored person, they will take a white person's words over Tom's. It was hard for Tom to make people believe that he was not guilty when they only listened to white people. “His left arm was fully twelve inches shorter than his right and hung dead at his side.”( Lee 211). There is no way that he could have raped Mayella. He didn't have the strength in his left arm to punch her, unlike Robert Ewell. Robert had the strength to punch Mayella, and he was a drinker, so that he could have abused her. Because he got caught in a cotton gin, let us consider another perspective and look at why it is Tom's fault. Tom kept going back to help

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