How Did Ww2 Affect The World Today

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A war known by most, remembered by many, a war that changed our world today, World War II. In order to understand the present we must understand the past, there have been many events that took place in the world that impacted our lives usually these events impact a certain country, a certain place, when you are talking about a war, a World War none the less you are talking about something that left its footprints across continents, across great nations. But the war did not just leave footprints, it left battle scars, rivers of blood, it installed fear and pain into the lives of many, prayers to never see another war as such ever again, for how many wars can we really endure. But no matter what the impact of the war its history should forever …show more content…

( (Same source for paragraph- historylearningsite , no Author) Many people lost their lives during this war, some of the countries involved included Allied forces such as United States, Great Britain, France, Russia, Belgium, Norway, Holland, Poland, Yugoslavia, China and others. On the Axis forces we had Germany, Austria, Italy, Romania, Hungary, Japan, Bulgaria, Finland and others. Everyone that could have possibly been involved was and involvement led to many losing their lives to protect their countries. The military struggled with a great loss of soldiers during the war, It is hard to leave a word of respect for all that lost their lives but it is important to give that respect regardless of them being mentioned in this research or not. Great Britain lost 452,000 military personnel. France and United States lost an upward of 250,000+ soldiers each. Russia beat the record with a loss of 13,600,000 soldiers. Followed by Russian military personnel loss was China with a loss of 3,500,000 people. Poland suffered a 130,000 casualty loss and Yugoslavia over 300,000 and that was not all many other countries lost tens of thousands of soldiers that day. Military personnel of the Allied forces totaled to over 18 million deaths. On the Axis forces Germany came in first with over 3,250,000 million military deaths. Japan was second with over 1,700,000 million deaths. Austria, Italy, …show more content…

After the end of World War one many tensions remained, these tensions were bound to cause another World War for everyone knew the war was not over and they all tip toed around like a kid trying to sneak out of the house while his parents are asleep knowing that he was bound to get caught. At the end of World War I, Germany was left beaten struggling to grasp for air, they were finger pointed and laughed at for their defeat, its people broken it was only a matter of time before they got back up, stitched themselves back together trained for the fight, regained their strength and struck again. Germany needed motivation to do so, out came Adolf Hitler, a power hungry leader who saw the group of broken down people and figured out how to get their motivation back and running for the strike. So what was his plan? He decided to blame the Jewish people of Germany for the country’s struggle, he needed a scapegoat and he found just that. He had this theory in creating a pure race of people so he thought of a plan and that was to attack Poland, a nearby country with many Jewish residents he held responsible and that was his attack plan. He was smart, he got Austria and Italy as well as other countries to sign an alliance with Germany, after doing so he proceeded to get Russia involved by having Stalin sign a German- Soviet Nonaggression Pact, this pact was basically a way for Russia and Germany to not face a two front war for Germanys benefit of course. He

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