How Did Your Choice Of Collaboration Tools Support Your Efforts To Establish Connectedness?

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We started our team building process by using simple trust building exercises. Make it personal…Learn a little about your teammates beyond work. Try to find common interest. In our case, we had had interaction before. We had previous classes. We discussed what we learned in those classes as it related to this class; this gave us the start of a bond. Build on trust…do not break trust. We both realize and understand the importance of building and establishing trust. Trust is the foundation of a successful team. It provides a comfort zone that allows team members to feel comfortable and talk openly (MindTools, 2016), therefore creating an interpersonal connectedness. This connection fosters innovation, team collaboration, creative thinking, …show more content…

Explain why or why not.
Each had a place in supporting our team. We needed to communicate. We needed to build trust. Even the attempt at instant messaging on a discussion forum with all its slowness issues, helped us get closer as a team. We were laughing through the issues. We were working to develop a better way to communicate but we were also getting things done despite it all. With emails, we began to define when we would answer so there was a realistic expectation that could be satisfied by both of us. Through trial and error we worked together to find the best collaborative tool for our team.
Our choice of collaboration did support our efforts to establish connectedness, however, we both quickly realized that utilizing a more robust form of media would greatly enhance our communication efforts. As a result, we both agreed to use Skype. The other tools used did assist in or collaborative efforts, but we both agree that Skype media offers a wider range of instant peer-to-peer communication tools that can ultimately bring a virtual team together. With Skype, we…………more to

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