How Do Books Affect Modern Society By Shara Tenner

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In the article, "How books affect modern society," Shara Tenner explores the impact that books have on our lives and the world we live in. As a reader myself, I found Tenner's insights to be relatable and knowledgeable. The writer points out how books serve as a mirror to society, reflecting its values, beliefs, and struggles. Through literature, we are able to gain a deeper understanding of different cultures, historical events, and social issues. Books have the power to transport us to different worlds and perspectives, allowing us to empathize with characters and situations that may be vastly different from our own. Tenner highlights how the impact of books can serve as an educational tool.Books influenced my thoughts, emotions and actions. There are various ways someone can feel emotional in their life or all of a sudden something inspires them to become who they are. …show more content…

She argues that the stories we read become a part of us, influencing our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. I resonated with this idea as I have often found myself deeply impacted by the characters and narratives I encounter in books.These experiences stick with us long after we've finished reading, whether it's the protagonist's fortitude in the face of tragedy or a moral quandary that is discussed in a book. They influence the way we think and help us develop as people. In addition, books have the ability to motivate people and spark change. Authors can develop characters and stories through storytelling that speak to readers in a personal way. These tales may arouse feelings of sympathy, compassion, and a need for social justice. Books can inspire readers to act and work toward a more equal and inclusive society by featuring relatable characters dealing with societal concerns. She discuss how literature plays an important