
How Do Eating Disorders Affect Teenagers

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Many teens come across depression in their lifetime due to being overweight and bullied by others. Those who have gone through rough times with being overweight come across some eating disorders which have many side effects that they may not think of at the moment. Eating disorders start with teens and where their mentality is. Parents should be aware of the symptoms with their children and understand how effective an eating disorder can be to teenagers. Teens should be more eye opened to the damages they may be doing to their body because of the eating disorder they are going through. Some eating disorders that teenagers encounter are Anorexia and Bulimia as well as becoming overweight due to eating fast food. When teenagers are in high school many parents think everything is fun and games at school, but what many parents forget to tell their child is to not let the words of others bother them. Although what others say may be just words to one another but, everyone has their own reaction on how they take what is said to them. High school is where many teens start to grow up …show more content…

It is also a mental issue as well and can be passed on or carried in family genetic traits. Instead of having fear of obesity bulimia carrier's are obsessed with keeping a slim figure. Due to this condition as a result, most people choose to make themselves throw up and just not satisfied with their body figure. Bulimia can also be life threatening and has similar symptoms of anorexia like irregular heartbeats and heart failure along with depression. Bulimia is a serious mental eating disorder person who encounters this are those with depression or have none satisfactory with their body look. A strong suggestion is for people to seek help and not let depression bring them down as well as letting their parents know or any close friend. Some side effects of bulimia can be mostly emotional which include, shame, guilt, and social

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