Dieting In America

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Diet is normally defined as to eat and drink according to a regulated system, especially to lose weight or control a medical condition. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommended that 20% to 35% of daily calories come from fat (Haan). However, dieting to lose weight has been increasing in prevalence and has recently become a focus of concern among health professionals (French, 1995). Thus, dieting is defined as restricting what we eat or how much we ate in order to lose weight. This is because when we choose to go on a diet, we will restrict ourselves by eating less food and drinks to become thin, lose weight and even to become healthy but we often do not consider the negative effects of dieting. Good nutritious diet can make our health …show more content…

Psychological health that will happen due to dieting is eating disorder such as anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder and over-exercising disorder. It will also lead to mood problems to the person. Anorexia is the eating disorder most commonly think of and is associated with someone who is significantly underweight. The individual with this disorder exists on very little food each day and often has a very strong fear of being fat, despite them being so far from fat they are risking their health. Anorexia may also practice extreme food rituals and become very upset if they are not able to eat the precise foods they have planned for during the day. On the other hand, bulimia is characteristic by someone who often eats relatively normal most of the time but sometimes them likes to eat extremely high volume of food. This is usually happening when they are alone. However, they will either abuse laxatives or induce vomiting to purge themselves of the calories after the food is consumed so that they do not gain weight. The problem is they often develop serious stomach and dental due to the stomach acid coming up all the time. Secondly, they may not prevent weight gain entirely as some of the calories could still be absorbed. One study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders has linked low and abnormal essential fatty acid intake to depression symptoms (Haan). Depression symptoms can …show more content…

Practicing a good dieting habit will lower the risk factors for obesity, heart disease and cancer such as mouth, stomach and colon-rectum. Next, consume foods that rich in protein, fibre and vitamins. However, the study reported in the American Psychologist, not only shows that dieting does not work for the long-term, but that dieting has no health benefits for the majority of people (, 2014). This is because diet is not the only thing that should be factored into a healthy lifestyle, exercise is just as important as a nutritious diet. For example, the positive side effects when reducing sugar intake is within a few days you will start sleeping better and have more stable energy. Thus, our bodies will be more energetic throughout the day. Nonetheless, hypoglycemia or low blood sugar is a short-term side effect of some extreme dieting behaviour that happen due to reducing sugar intake drastically (Vera). People who skip meals, fast or follow diets that feature severe calorie restriction may be most likely to experience hypoglycemia. The advantage of dieting is builds up patience and consistency in your personality other than improves the ability of controlling your extra-intake habits of foods but this advantages only work on for some people only. This because some people that dieting their emotion is not stable. For example, they can easily and frequently get