How Do Political Parties Interact To Control The Government

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Question 1: “Political parties are organizations that recruits, nominates, and elects party members to office in order to control the government.” (American Democracy Now, 246) In the United States the two political parties that are present are present are the Democratic and the Republican parties. Through political parties, citizens are able to share their opinions and be heard because political parties engage citizens and are available to anyone. Political parties involve people by putting them in contact with potential voters, for example volunteering and contributing to party-run campaigns. Political parties emerged during the debate over ratification of the Constitution between Federalists that wanted a strong central government and Anti-Federalists that favored states’ rights. George Washington, elected in 1788, opposed the idea of political parties although he needed legislators that pushed his initiatives through Congress. When his secretary of the treasury Alexander Hamilton gathered legislators, Thomas Jefferson opposed him, and although he lost to the Federalist, he built a base of support that allowed him to spread his message out, which helped him to win the election in 1800 and be reelected in in 1804, proving how …show more content…

They succeeded in mobilizing masses which helped Jackson to win the election of 1828. Political parties were becoming the way through which American were politicized. Through populism, a philosophy that supported the rights and the empowerment of the masses, Jackson was able to mark a step in opening up the civic life of the polity to new group of citizens that had never been involved in politics before. Jacksonian Democrats extended voting rights to white adult males, also increasing the importance of the party