How Do Teachers Use Strategies To Encourage Students To Read?

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Strategies that allow teachers to develop knowledge, skills and understanding in reading and promote reading for pleasure
Cambria and Guthrie (2010: 16) express the idea that children should have the ‘will’ and motivation to read which they define as the “values, beliefs and behaviours surrounding reading for an individual”. Furthermore, it has been suggested that pupils reading for pleasure is important for educational attainment and social mobility which can be achieved through increased cognitive development (Taylor, 2011 cited in Brown and Sullivan, 2013: 37). Therefore, many strategies can be implemented to motivate students in reading for a range of purposes including interventions (Appendix 1) such as using library facilities, incorporating …show more content…

To counteract underachievement, teachers can get to know what the pupils’ interests are and a way this can happen is through WBD. Not only on this day but every day teachers should be engaging students to read books in several ways. Listening to pupils read makes up classroom routines (Goouch and Lambirth, 2010) and allows the teacher to understand what levels the children are reading at, but at the same time teachers can understand what their pupils’ interests are so that they can promote reading for pleasure. On WBD, a collaboration can be seen between schools, pupils and their families because many families buy or design costumes which represent the individual interests of pupils. Further to WBD, Lockwood (2008) states that schools can and do hold their own book …show more content…

This can be an effective way to gain support from parents, because teachers can create their own social networks of assistance by taking advantage of ‘funds of knowledge’ which otherwise might not be available in schools unless there is a cost attached. Allington and Gabriel (2012) suggest, however, that elements of effective reading instruction do not require much time nor money which depends on the teacher’s way of using effective strategies. Strategies already suggested may not suit the needs of struggling readers, who may need a strategy to be put in place which is adapted to meet their specific needs. In such circumstances schools can promote a different experience for all their

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