
How Does Atticus Influence Adults

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Many of us can say that we have looked up to someone in a way where we want to be like that specific person someday. For some of us, it may be in a good way, but for others it may be different such as in a negative way. There are many people around us such as our parents, elders or other adults and children in our communities, or things that have taken place in our lives that influence our behaviors or influence us into being the person that we become as we grow older. In the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee, we read about how two little rascals who do not have much guidance while growing up find that their town of Maycomb is not what they thought. Their findings help them mature a bit along with the assistance of their father Atticus, their neighbor Mrs. …show more content…

He is a character that finds just the right words to advise to his children just as any great parent would do. These parents make their children’s problems a priority to fix and make sure that these issues are solved right away as if they were their own problems. This is exactly what Atticus does in the book as a very successful and smart parent. For example, when Scout runs into a problem, to solve the problem she always thinks that violence is the answer, however this is not the way Atticus thought that she should approach every situation. He told Scout that she will never understand a person fully or even get along with that person until she considers things in their point of view or in other words walk in their shoes. Another reason that I believe that Atticus is a big influence in the kids’ attitudes is because he believes that all men are created equally. This causes him big riot in Maycomb, but all the criticism from the town people also makes him stronger as not only a lawyer but also as a human being which is definitely something to look up to in a

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