How Does Atticus Occur In To Kill A Mockingbird

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I am reading the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Chapters 10-15 in the novel held multiple major events. One of the major events included explaining who Atticus was, and what he was like. Miss Maudie said to Scout that Atticus was good at countless concepts, he was good at playing the Jew's Harp and how he used to be the best shot in Maycomb. Another main event that happened in these chapters was, Jem got in trouble and then had to read to Mrs. Dubose for a whole month. After the month had happened, Mrs. Dubose died and then Atticus explained that Mrs. Dubose was a morphine addict, which caused her to die. A number of other major events happened in chapters 10-15. In this journal, I will be characterizing Atticus Finch.

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This quote proves that Atticus is humble because he never told his children that he has the best shot in town and he does not want to brag or to seem better than the other people in the town. Another reason why Atticus is humble is because he never told Jem or Scout that he was good at other events. Atticus kept these pieces of information to himself and the children did not know about his talents until Miss Maudie told the children the truth. Miss Maudie went on to explain that Atticus was good at an abounding amount concepts, including being the best shot in Maycomb. One of the last reasons Atticus can be characterized as humble is because he is the only lawyer in Maycomb. For this reason, he is higher on the social pyramid compared to others in Maycomb. He would never turn down a case even if the case involves african-americans, like his case with Tom Robinson. Atticus never boasts or gloats about his talents of being a superb lawyer, proving that he is humble. Atticus Finch can be characterized in an abounding number of ways, another way is being mature. Atticus is mature in emotional ways and physical ways. A physical way …show more content…

The mob has raised many questions and one is, why did the mob leave? The mob left because Mr. Cunningham had changed his mind about beating up Atticus and Tom Robinson. One of the reasons why Mr. Cunningham made the mob leave was because he had a change of heart. Mr. Cunningham had a change of heart when Scout started talking about his entailments and his son, Walter Cunningham. In the book Scout says, “Mr. Cunningham displayed no interest in his son, so I tackled his entailment once more” (Lee 204). This quote shows that Scout just wanted to talk to Mr. Cunningham so he would recognize her and she took Atticus’ advice to talk about the other person instead of herself. It also shows that Scout was committed to make Mr. Cunningham to recognize her and help him notice her instead of Atticus. Another reason Mr. Cunningham made the mob leave was because he realized it was not worth the fight. After Scout talked about Mr. Cunningham’s entailments she realized that Mr. Cunningham recognized her, then Scout said, “Then he did a peculiar thing. He squatted down and took me by both shoulders” (Lee 206). This quote shows how Scout’s rambly speech got to him and then he realized that he does not want to beat up Atticus about something so little compared to what is going on in his life. Another question the mob scene in To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee brought on was, why did Jem