How Does Basic Sign Language Affect Children With Hearing Impairment?

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There are three major ways that the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (2015) considers to affect children with a hearing impairment: delay in development of receptive and expressive communication skills such as speech and language (ASLHA 2015; Hussain et al. 2011), Language deficit, and communication difficulties which often lead to social isolation and poor self-esteem (ASLHA 2015). Other than that children with hearing impairments also have difficulty developing their vocabulary, and learning functional worlds like an, a, the, and are (ASLHA 2015). Due to these reasons children will comprehend and produce shorter and simpler sentences (ASLHA 2015). Children with hearing loss often struggle with quiet speech sounds …show more content…

However, as a teacher it is important not to depend on these, as the teacher should have knowledge of inclusive practices for this child while also having an open communication relationship with other teachers, parents, and students that work with the child (Torreno 2013). If possible it is suggested by Torreno (2013) that teachers and peers (This will depend on age) should learn basic sign language if the student signs to not only help communication but promote and encourage acceptance within the classroom …show more content…

It is important not to underestimate students with a hearing impairment has they may exceed expectations in subject areas of interest, however, will often have fewer skills in others (DET 2015).


When planning for a student with a hearing impairment it is important to plan with other members of that students life, this is usually parents, pathologists, special education staff, and other subject area staff (NIT teachers) to ensure to incorporate the priorities for the hearing impaired student (DET 2015). When planning it is also important to consider the structure, organisation of the lesson while also looking at the selection of materials; does the equipment make a lot of noise? Are there enough visual cues? Does the video you’re using have good subtitles and can your student read and understand all the words? (DET 2015). Not only is planning inside the classroom important, but it is important to understand outside classroom activities such as P.E or fitness, ideally the teacher should instruct students before going outside and make sure to have visual communication/gestures with the student pre prepared, ideally all teachers will know these for lunch time duty (DET