How Does Briony Cause Chaos In Atonement

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No man can exist in a vacuum; all people constantly interact with each other, which in turn affects each other’s lives. This interaction inevitably changes the future for all who are involved, regardless of the gravity or scale of the interaction. Thus, even a small action may have a large impact. It is said that the flutter of a butterfly’s wings can cause a hurricane across the world. Likewise when someone harms another person, even if it does not seem significant at the time, it can change his or her life forever. This scenario is seen in the character Briony, whose actions irreversibly cause chaos in her own life and the lives of others. In Atonement by Ian McEwan Briony’s actions cause an injustice to an innocent person and she desperately attempts to reverse the damage done. As a result of a misunderstanding when she was 13 years old, Briony ruins the life of Robbie Turner. She witnesses the budding romance between her sister Cecilia and Robbie, and her lack of …show more content…

Briony writes a true recount of the events that lead to her crime toward Robbie (McEwan 330). Briony does this because she understands that she can never give Robbie back the happy ending she stole from him in real life. Writing allows her to create a new happy ending for Robbie and Cecilia. When she finishes her story, Briony sorrowfully realizes that writing will not bring her atonement, because she has become the god of her own stories, with the power to create and destroy things and events at will. This reflection is shown when Briony discovers that, “there is no one, no entity or higher form that [Briony] can appeal to, or be reconciled with, or that can forgive her” (McEwan 350). Unlike real life, she does not have to face consequences in her stories. Ultimately, writing does not help her reach forgiveness since she can create the ending she wants without any consequences. It is clear that all of Briony’s efforts to resolve her crime have