How Does Cassie Logan Show Courage

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Courage is shown through actions of people. Through the adventure of Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry, by, Mildred D.Taylor Cassie Logan shows a lot of courage by standing up for what's right. Cassie had courage when she had to stand up for her little brother, Little Man and then again during the fight with her rival Lillian Jean. Cassie showed that she can be sassy, she’s a very outspoken girl, and that she loved her friends and family. Even when equality meant nothing to everybody else but her, she still believed in it. She didn’t care about the consequences, all she knew was that she needed to stand up for her rights and follow her convictions no matter what.

‘Miz.Crocker, I said” I don’t want my book neither (Taylor, Ch, 1)” Said Cassie! Cassie Logan …show more content…

In chapter 8, Cassie Logan was nice to Lillian Jean for a while, soon after she finished her revenge that she had always wanted. She’s wanted revenge because while she was walking down the sidewalk in strawberry she was thinking about what happened in the Barnett Mercantile and she accidently bumped into Lillian Jean who was also walking on the sidewalk. Everyone around her made her apologize to lillian Jean. “She made apologize to that ole Lillian Jean’ bout something wasn’t even my fault.” ( Taylor, ch, 6). Cassie was so mad that she even began her revenge by being nice. Lillian Jean fell for it when Cassie said she had to show her something amazing. So they went to the woods and that’s when Cassie starts going off at Lillian Jean. This shows how Cassie will stand up for her convictions, No matter the who or what they are against!

When Cassie stood up for Little Man, and also by finding a way to get back at Lillian Jean, she shows that she was a courageous character. Just like Rosa Parks. She had to go up against many terrible challenges, from all the white people that were mean and cruel. Despite all the challenges, Cassie is a character that is very