
How Does Haste Lead To The Death Of Romeo And Juliet

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How did haste bring deadly outcomes to Romeo and Juliet’s Story?
“ Those who act in haste need signs which lead to the downfall of others, as well as Themselves.” Harcourt Shakespeare’s tragedy story of Romeo and Juliet demonstrates the idea that Haste brings death to all that are hasteful.

Just before Mercutio and Tybalt fight Romeo declines the duel that Tybalt has asked of. Mercutio bravely dashes into the fight on behalf of Romeo. Let's just pause and see how and why Tybalt wanted to duel Romeo, the day before the capulet family had a party. Romeo and his friends decided that it was a good idea to sneak into this party. This party was a costume party, a good thing for Romeo and his friends. When Romeo saw Juliet for the first time …show more content…

Balthasar did not know about the plan Friar and Juliet had. The plan that the two had was Juliet would drink a potion that basically killed you but you would be awaked forty-two hours after you drank it. Juliet wanted to do this because she did not want to marry Paris. Friar Laurence was going to send Friar John but when Friar John got to Friar Laurence's church. The two Friars got locked in because they thought that they gave Juliet a sickness so both Friars were basically in lockdown. Romeo then did not know about the plan, Romeo rushed into the capulets grave site and saw Juliet lying there with Tybalt beside her. Romeo was so sad that Juliet had died, so the potion that he bought from the poor apothecary when he was coming back to Verona after hearing the news. When Romeo got inside the tomb he drank the potion so it would kill himself, moments later Friar Laurence ran into the tomb to be there for Juliet's awakening. Just before Juliet wakes up Friar sees Romeo lying in the ground dead!!!! Juliet awakes to see Friar and wonders where Romeo is. Friar tries to tell her that Romeo is not here yet and they have to skedaddle out of there. While Friar tries to drag Juliet out of there she looks back and sees Romeo lying on the ground. Juliet runs over to see him and she sobs all over him. Juliet finds Romeo’s dagger, says a couple of words then ends it by stabbing herself. Balthasar was Part

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