
How Does Hawthorne Present The Nature Of Evil In Young Goodman Brown

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Hawthorne’s Satanic Characters From the beginning of time, man has turned away from God. This started in the Garden of Eden when Eve was tempted with the forbidden fruit. She fell into temptation, and then encouraged her husband to do the same. The fall of man started with this. Hawthorne makes many references to this in his stories. He uses his evil characters in Young Goodman Brown to symbolize the sinful nature of humans by fantastically making his devils to be seen. In The Scarlet Letter, he portrays sinful nature and foresees the realistic punishment of his witches. Puritans were plain people, who were quick to make accusations against those who were different. Witchcraft was a huge issue during this time. The puritans took their laws from the Bible instead of English …show more content…

Goodman decides to turn around after meeting up with his guide, but he guide convinces him to reason with him as they continue on their journey. The devil tells Goodman that the best men are secretly evil, and that if he joins the devil in the devil’s baptism that he will have knowledge of everyone’s hidden secrets. The devil continues to try to convince him, and Goodman starts to believe his lies. The devil has the power to deceive and he alludes Goodman to believe that he is seeing a woman he knows very well. And again, he is sure that someone he knows is walking by- he hears his pastor’s voice, but is yet again deceived. The devil also leads him to believe that his own wife is guilty, and even goes as far as to make Goodman believe that he sees her pink ribbon. “Then the devil sends his final argument, Faith’s pink ribbon…At the end of the story we learn that this evidence, too, was spectral, for Faith wears her ribbons when her husband returns home in the morning” (Levin 693). Seeing Faith’s ribbon was the point where Goodman rushed to the devil’s service in an evil

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