
Symbolism In Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

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Symbolism is when an author uses a specific symbol to represent an idea to the reader. Symbols are used to include a deeper meaning of an ordinary object. In “Young Goodman Brown,” by Nathaniel Hawthorne uses several examples of symbolism to portray ideas of evil, innocence, and darkness. In the story, goodman brown goes on a symbolic journey that leads him questioning his faith.
The staff is one form of symbolism used in “Young Goodman Brown”. The staff has a serpent encased in it which is viewed as an evil symbol in the christian faith. In the bible the serpent tempts Eve to eat the apple and when she does she commits an unforgivable sin which ultimately brings God's wrath down on humanity. When Goodman Brown grabs the staff “he seemed to be flying along the forest path”(336) and was “rushing onward with, the instinct that guides mortal man to evil”(336). Like Eve takes the apple, Goodman takes the staff because it benefits him and helps his cause. Goodman enjoys the staff because it helps him travel faster and Eve likes the apple because of its sweet and unique taste. However no matter how wonderful the staff seemed in the moment it as ultimately leading Goodman down an …show more content…

That is why Faith's pink ribbon are such an important symbol in “Young Goodman Brown”. In the beginning of the story Faith is seen “letting the wind play with the pink ribbons”(331). Faith starts with a form of youthful innocence. Later in the story pink ribbon falls from the sky making Goodman says “My faith is gone!”(336) and “There is no good on earth, and sin is but a name”(336). The falling of the pink ribbon symbolizes that Faith has fallen into evil and leads Goodman to believe she is no longer innocent. Goodmans experiences in the forest lead him to believe all people are sinners and although faith pink ribbons are still intact at the end of the story become superficial and lack the meaning they once

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