How Does Legalizing Marijuana Affect Minorities

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How the Legalization of Marijuana will affect Minorities
Toni Peak
Gaston College

How the Legalization of Marijuana will affect Minorities The use of marijuana is illegal in most states; however, it is not hard for an individual to get marijuana in their possession. Marijuana is a popular drug that a lot of people have tried at least once. The prevalence of marijuana has had impact on a lot of people throughout society, not in just the black and brown communities in the united states. Due to the substance tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) being illegal in many states some individual wants to be rebellious. Therefore, they break the law to partake in the illegal action of smoking marijuana; not only are people taking a risk in smoking marijuana but …show more content…

According to the text “The Sociology of American Drug Use”, nature theories suggest that initial drug use and drug addiction results from intrinsic character. Humans possess an instinctual understanding of what is ethical and what is unethical, what is right and what is wrong. Discussion grounded in human nature are often controversial and unpopular academic circles. For an example as children grow older, they try different things. They learn that they can experience different states of consciousness by huffing fumes such as glue while they are at school or gasoline while they are pumping gas. Due to cultural taboos, these things are looked down upon and these activities are pushed underground. Because of the social disapproval, many people will not use chemical when they are older, some however will use other drugs to alter the state of mind …show more content…

Written by Emily Gould, she states that people say that marijuana is additive; however, the people that says this are misinformed. According to Gould marijuana is no more additive to a person than the caffeine that is present in the sodas and coffee that we drink. Our government continues to decriminalize marijuana while allowing the nationwide use of tobacco product which have been linked to causing cancer. Study show that marijuana is not a “gateway drug” according to the government statistics, less than twenty-five percent of the people that uses marijuana move on to harder drugs like cocaine or