
How Does Mary Shelley Use Sentence Structure In Frankenstein

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Frankenstein the novel by Mary Shelley depicts the monster as a helpless and distressed creature through her sentence structure, diction, and imagery. In order to help the reader sympathize with the monster, Mary Shelly utilizes these tools effectively throughout the novel. I plan to analyze an excerpt that gives a complete picture of the monster and his first memories in life. The extract emphasizes the monster's inability to navigate the world and survive, as well as the pain this caused him. An example of her effective sentence structure would be at the beginning of the creature's life as it first interacts with the world around it and perceives it through its scenes. “A strange multicity of sensations seized me, and I saw felt, hearts, and smelt, at the same time; and it was indeed, a long time before I learned to operations of my various senses.” in this quote, the senses are stated separately and then the reader is told the monster only learned to distinguish …show more content…

Until I felt tormented by hunger and thirst.” words such as “oppressive”, “wearing”, “hunger”, and “thirst”. These sensations being spoken about are often experienced by those without adequate shelter, and in society people who are homeless are pitted as people try to help ease their plight. Showing the monster go through the same experience as a homeless person helps invoice pity from the reader. Additionally, Shelley’s use of vivid imagery further contributes to the readers’s pity for the monster . The descriptive language Shelley uses helps the reader visualize the reader roaming through the world and doing his best to endure the physical and emotional pain caused by his surrounings, specifically the heat and light , the reader can imagine the discomfort he is forced to

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