How Does Queenie Staged Her Husband's Death

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We believe that Queenie staged her husband’s death and set it up like it was an accident. We arrived at the Volupedis home at 1:30am to find Mr. Volupedis intoxicated on the floor. You could say everything was intact except for Mr. Voulpedis. Queenie reported that her husband was coming down stairs for another drink, when he fell. He still had the glass in his hand. Queenie thought her husband was dead. The autopsy proves that he had a head wound and that he was intoxicated. To begin with, when we arrived at the house i noticed that there was food cooking on the stove. I thought this was very suspicious for 1:30am who just came back from the country club. As a rule, if you see a family member intoxicated on the ground, you would think to not