How Does Reiner Use Camera Angles In Films

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The use of camera angles in films have a strong effect on how scenes are viewed. They contribute to the story's growth, its overall subject, and its prevailing mood. The most common angles used by Reiner in the film Misery are low-angle shots, high angle shots, and Dutch tilts. Low-angle shots look up on the character and can make them appear larger than they normally would. Furthermore, they can be used to make the character seem powerful. High-angle shots look down on the character and emphasize the character’s weakness, while making them look smaller than normal. Finally, Dutch tilts are when the camera is tilted sideways, and can give a disturbing, tense feel to shots. In the film Misery, Reiner uses camera angles to invoke a sense of tenseness as a …show more content…

Reiner emphasizes the tension surrounding Annie and demonstrates her strength using low-angle shots. The low-angled shots of her face make her rise over both Paul and the viewers. Over the course of the film that simplistic technique may be used to the point that it lacks its effect, but Reiner strikes a delicate balance. Annie is never more terrifying than when you’re inches away from her face, and there is nothing more claustrophobic. Additionally, these shots enhance the tension by letting the viewer experience what Paul feels, that her torture is never-ending. A good example of the low-angle shot being used was when Paul was sleeping and got awoken, only to find Annie right in front of his eyes (Misery, 1:20:05). She then injects him with a needle. As the low-angle shot was taken, lightning strikes, and the shadows were projected onto her face. This makes the audience tense, feeling what Paul is feeling. This makes Annie seem very unsettling. The low-angle shot was also an obvious indication that Annie is very powerful. Nonetheless, low-angle shots strengthen the tenseness surrounding Annie and prove that she is