
How Does Shakespeare Use Alliteration In Sonnet 43

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Shakespeare's sonnet 43 tells the story of a man who insists that he sees better at night, than he ever does during the day. The man says this because, in his dreams he sees the most beautiful woman he could imagine; a woman who makes the night shine brighter than the day. The theme of sonnet 43 is love and admiration, for the woman in his dreams. Throughout the sonnet 43 many literary devices are used, but a few examples are alliteration, assonance, and paradoxes. In line one of sonnet 43 Shakespeare's uses both alliteration and assonance. Alliteration is repetition of a consent sound and assonance is the repetition of a vowel sound. In line one of sonnet 43 Shakespeare's writes "When most I wink, then do mine eyes best see." In this
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