Essay Effects Of Stress On College Students

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Life these days are filled with troubles pressuring us that lead to stress. Academic results are very important to a college student these days that all students require acceptable results to have a brighter future. A brighter future means, trying to get in to a better college, earning scholarships so there won’t be any financial problems and accessible to a good job that pays a fortune or able to raise a family. Stress can be a mental or physical reaction to the human body. The symptoms of stress are divided into four when it comes to stress, which are cognitive, physical, emotional and behavioral. But stress isn’t always a disadvantage as it helps us to prepare for public presentation and leads us to concentration. Concentration means that …show more content…

What do I mean criminal activities are for example, murdering, robbery and activities that discriminates the law. Stress impacts your way of decision-making, which leads students to do stupid things without making a second thought. Why would they do it is because that they feel pressure against the tons of assignment they get from lecturers and they won’t be thinking straight as usual. Not only it affects the people who are less smart but the brighter ones will also be lead to do stupid things, if they are not able to manage their stress. (Poulson, 2011) Which most college students won’t be able to do, though it is possible to control by controlling the speed of your thoughts and breathing, slowing it down rather than the speed you do everyday. While doing that you concentrate on your heartbeat and think positively so you won’t think about any pessimistic junk. If you don’t believe in it you can try ahead, because trying is absolutely free. In my point of view, I believe it will definitely lead college students to do mindless activities, if they can’t control their stress properly and may lead them to having mental problems because they can’t control too much