
How Does The Concentration Of Carbon Dioxide Affect The Production Of Atmospheric Heat

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When energy from the Sun interacts with the ground it is either absorbed as heat and released as infrared radiation or it can be reflected off of the ground back into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide molecules do not interact with sunlight. However, the infrared radiation is deflected when it hits a carbon dioxide molecule.
Increased levels of carbon dioxide causes an increase in the temperature.
If you remove all of the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, the temperature decreases.
Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere as they absorb and re-emit infrared radiation.The absorption and reemission of infrared radiation contributes to the production of atmospheric heat. By removing a primary heat source …show more content…

The graph shows that 125,000 years ago there was a very high concentration of carbon dioxide compared to 355,000 years ago where the concentration of carbon dioxide is very low. Because carbon dioxide traps heat in the atmosphere, the more carbon dioxide the warmer the atmospheric temperature will be. Therefore, because 125,000 years ago there was a higher concentration of CO2 the temperature is warmer.
On a scale from 1-5, I would rate my claim a 5 based on my explanation.
Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere. Consequently, higher concentrations of carbon dioxide leads to higher temperatures. Therefore, because the carbon dioxide level 125,000 years ago was higher than the carbon dioxide level 355,000 years ago, the temperature was warmer.
Section 3: Sources, Sinks, and Feedbacks
Carbon dioxide is constantly moving throughout the environment. This statement is true about the CO2 cycle.
As shown on the flow chart, every reservoir intakes and circulates carbon dioxide throughout the environment. Therefore, there is no reservoir that only serves to take in carbon dioxide and there is no source that is also not a …show more content…

This is because increased levels of carbon dioxide increases the water vapor. Both carbon dioxide and water vapor are greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere, increasing the temperature. Higher temperatures lead to more water vapor as water evaporates in the atmosphere. This cycle continues, repeatedly increasing the temperature.
On a scale from 1-5, I rate my claim a 5 based on my explanation.
Greenhouse gases increase temperature. Water vapor and carbon dioxide are both greenhouse gases. An increase in level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere leads to an increase in temperature. An increase in temperature leads to increased evaporation of water (increase in water vapor). Increased water vapor leads to increased temperature.
A positive feedback system that affects Earth’s temperature is the feedback loop between carbon dioxide and water vapor. Increased carbon dioxide levels leads to higher temperatures, which leads to more water vapor as water evaporates. The increased levels of water vapor leads to to higher temperatures, which leads to more carbon dioxide coming out of the ocean, which leads to higher carbon dioxide levels, which leads to more water vapor. The temperature continues to increase as this cycle continues

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