How Greek Medicine Has Changed Over Time

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An illness is a period of sickness that people suffer from in either the mind or the body. As new diseases appear every day, humans wonder what causes them, and try to figure and find out cures to heal people. The way an illness has been handled back then and now are extremely different of course. Each and every nationality has different “methods” to try and cure a disease. For example, in Africa, doctors have been known to use herbal remedies to treat people, while in America doctors would prescribe medication or perform surgery if needed. Although, the Greeks were one of the first to know that people didn’t get diseases as a punishment because of Hippocrates’, the father of medicine. Hippocrates was the first to think of cures for diseases, and not …show more content…

He changed the minds of the Greeks for the better. Greek medicine has changed and evolved from ancient times, and the search for cures keep on improving.
The ancient Greeks initially regarded illness as a punishment and healing as a gift from the gods. “Evolution of medicine in ancient Greece was directed by a combination of knowledge, beliefs, and rituals handed down from previous civilizations and cultures.” Father and founder of medicine, Hippocrates, has taught the ancient Greek civilization to not blame diseases on the Gods or the actions they did because there were real reasons on why humans got sick. “He was a central figure in the medical and philosophical world of Greek antiquity.” Hippocrates taught the ancient Greeks that physical activity and a good amount of food led to being healthy both mentally and physically. But that was not the most important contribution ancient Greeks thought of. “One of the most impressive contributions of the ancient Greeks to Western culture was their invention of rational medicine. It was the Greeks who first evolved rational systems of medicine for the most part.